How Do Blinds Affect Your Home Insulation?

How Do Blinds Affect Your Home Insulation?

Did you know windows and blinds play a huge role in your home insulation? There’s so much focus on the walls and the type of insulation filling them that people frequently forget about windows. Windows can make or break your home’s insulation. You know that saying: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Well, a window can be your home’s weakest link. Let’s talk about how you can keep your home well insulated by buying the right blinds.

Windows and Insulation

What many people don’t know is that modern windows are actually insulated already! You might have some guesses about how. Some people assume having two panes of glass is inherently insulating. The truth is, there is an actual gas between the panes that insulates the window.

Windows have been made with gas insulation for decades. The gas used is completely transparent and is denser than air. That makes it great for keeping out heat or cold. While there’s a lot to be said on how insulation works, what’s really important is noting that windows are already insulated. However, this insulation is not as strong as a solid wall with insulation inside of it. Therefore, your window is still your weakest link.

This is especially important to note if your home is old or you’ve never had your windows replaced. After decades of use, windows will begin to lose the effectiveness of their seal and the gas will begin to leak out. Therefore, they lose their insulation over time.

How Do Blinds Affect Your Home Insulation?

If you want to improve your windows’ insulation so that they’re slightly less of a weak link, blinds are the next step. If you can’t afford to replace old windows, good blinds can also help make up for the loss of insulation in the window itself.

Because of how insulation works, the more layers between one temperature and another, and the material those layers are made of, improves the insulation. The layers and materials keep the temperatures separate. Therefore, adding blinds to the mix helps keep the cold or heat that’s managed to make it past the window from getting to your interior as fast.

Which Blinds Insulate the Best?

To get the best insulation from your blinds, you’ll want one or more of a few different qualities.

  1. Multiple layers in blinds make them better insulators. The more layers, the more effective they are than a single layer of the same material. Because of this, honeycomb blinds, which have cells of air between their layers, are a good choice. Sheer vertical blinds are also great, as they have two layers of fabric.
  2. Blinds that completely cover a window are better insulators because they block gaps where cold or heat can get through. The same way a draft from an open window or rays of sunlight can get in past a gap in your blinds, temperature that’s transferred through the window can get through these spaces easier as well. Blinds like roller shades with side channels completely cover all gaps between the window frame and blinds. Sheer vertical blinds can also help minimize gaps by being pulled flush with the window frame.
  3. A thick fabric is also more effective than something thinner, as it’s harder for any affected air to get past it. The double layer of sheer vertical blinds includes a thicker layer that’s heavy enough to block out sunlight entirely.

Buying Quality Blinds

You can probably guess how ineffective standard, slatted blinds are for home insulation. With so many gaps and, frequently, being made of metal, these blinds do virtually nothing to insulate. Buy quality blinds from Domir and keep your home the temperature you pay the electric company to make it. Don’t fall victim to poor window insulation wasting your money.

Classroom Blinds for University Classrooms

Classroom Blinds for University Classrooms

University classrooms have a very important purpose: providing the optimal space for our country’s students to get further educated. These students will be future doctors, researchers, writers, architects, and so much more. That makes these learning environments and their comfort much more important than many people realize. So, let’s talk about how classroom blinds join the equation and how important they really are to university education

Laptop Friendly

The first thing we have to talk about is how classroom blinds make a space laptop friendly. In this technological age, laptops are a must-have for university. They allow us to take quicker notes, stay better organized, store class projects and papers, and also access digital school material. That is to say, most students can’t get by without one.

However, have you ever gone to a cafe in the morning to do some work on a laptop? If you have, you’ll know that windows aren’t always laptop friendly. Without blinds, sunlight will come right in and make your screen nigh unreadable. This kind of inconvenience can be overcome in a coffee shop by moving to a back corner or taking your coffee to go. However, you can’t always change seats in class and there is no “to go” lecture if you’re not taking online classes.

Bearing all that in mind, being able to make a room dark and laptop friendly is a necessity. The entire room may not need the same level of darkness, but some windows simply get too much sun. Because standard, slatted blinds do a poor job of blocking out all rays of sun, having some roller blackout shades on the side of the class where sun is getting in can be a life saver.


Not only are laptops pretty useless with light shining on them, so are projector screens. University classrooms use projectors all the time. They make it easy to share what’s on laptop screens. That makes them ideal for when teachers want to display a slideshow or movie for the whole class. Plus, they’re also used for student presentations.

Because projectors use light to cast their images on a screen, any sunlight can interrupt that. That makes roller blackout shades a huge asset for rooms that use projectors as well. Roller blackout shades can even be optimized by using side channels. These channels are mounted on the sides of a window frame and hold shade edges in place. Due to the overlap between channel and shade, no light can come in around the blinds. Plus, the channels really do add that extra level of sleek.

Buying Blinds in Bulk

A lot of university classrooms equals a lot of classroom blinds. Don’t buy appropriate classroom blinds for one class and leave the others to struggle. Instead, outfit the entire university with blinds that help facilitate the education of our students.

When you buy more then $500 worth of blinds from Domir Blinds, you can get up to 50% off your order. Because we’re the manufacturer, you don’t have to pay those overhead prices that you get at hardware or outlet stores. Give us a call today if you would like assistance making your order. We look forward to hearing from you.

How to Keep Daylight from Obscuring the TV Screen

How to Keep Daylight from Obscuring the TV Screen

Tired of your TV screen becoming impossible to see due to a nearby window? Are you on the verge of rearranging the entire living room to compensate for the lack of an adequate window covering? Don’t start moving the entertainment center just yet! There might just be an easier solution. Here’s how you can keep daylight from obscuring the TV screen.

Cheap Curtains and Blinds

The first thing you might be wondering is, “How are blinds going to help me? I already have blinds and they don’t block the sunlight.” Or, you may be thinking the same thing, but with curtains. The fact is, most curtains and blinds are just not very good at blocking light. The reason is that most curtains and blinds are cheap and ineffective. Their only merit is providing privacy. The trick is to buy yourself some decent blinds that offer a higher degree of lighting control.

What Makes Decent Blinds

The difference between standard blinds and good ones isn’t something you might notice at first glance. Decent blinds don’t have to be gold plated or electronic to get the job done right. All you need is a set of blinds with a quality design that allows lighting control.

Lighting control is how much you can change the room from complete exposure to complete blackout, using the control mechanism provided – like a cord. Standard blinds don’t allow for very much lighting control. They offer close to complete exposure and then a slightly dimmed exposure. That’s not nearly adequate for most people – especially not those with windows near their TV.

Buy Something Affordable

Something effective and decent sounds really nice for keeping daylight from obscuring the TV screen, but it must be expensive, right? Not necessarily! Blinds come in all shapes, sizes, and complexities. That means, there’s a simple and affordable solution for you.

One of the cheaper solutions for this kind of setting is a roller blackout shade. These shades are the kind you might have seen in a high school classroom. They’re wide, flat, and can be pulled down to cover the entire window. With no slats, there’s no place for light to sneak in but at the sides. And, that’s where side channels come in.

Side channels are tracks that are attached to the inside of the window frame. The edges of the roller shade sit inside the tracks, which means there are no gaps at all between the shade and frame. If you’re looking for the perfect TV room, this is all you need. Plus, when you’re done with the TV, you can open the shade again and let in all the sunlight you want.

Get Something Attractive

If simplicity isn’t the way for you, get something more attractive instead. There are plenty of options that allow even more flexible light control than window shades and provide just as effective blackout. What you need is something like the Magic Lite. The Magic Lite has flat slats that lie flush against each other. They’re wide and cover the entire window. That means you can block sunlight from obscuring the TV screen entirely.

When you’re ready to talk about making an order, give us a call at Domir Blinds. We love helping customers find the right fit for them, and it’s high time you had your turn.

Sheer Blinds for Glass Office Dividers

Sheer Blinds for Glass Office Dividers

If you run an office with a lot of glass dividers, you may have run into some problems. These kinds of glass dividers are commonly put between individual offices to allow the space to feel larger. However, what was meant to be innovative and allow light to flow can actually come with a low of downsides. Not sure what I mean? Let’s look deeper.

Office Space Distraction

The first issue with glass dividers and walls is their proclivity to invite distraction. Being able to see outside of your office can allow for some great views, can make it seem less intimidating to others, and can allow in more light. However, it also exposes you to everyone walking by, people dropping things, people chatting nearby, and more. It’s an easy way to lead to distractibility. Even if you’re not the most distractible person in the office, every glance up – a natural reaction from anyone when there’s a sudden movement nearby – is a break from concentration. Tired of feeling like you’re being interrupted by people just going about their day? It can be solved with blinds for glass office dividers.

The Importance of Privacy

The other reason blinds for glass office dividers can be life saving is because of how important privacy is. Glass office dividers and walls don’t allow for any privacy within the office. Whether you’re sensitive to criticism, have anxiety, or just plain like to be alone, having privacy matters. An office with glass walls may allow lightflow, but it also turns your office into something of an exhibit. 

How Blinds Help

By putting up blinds, you can cut out distractions and discomfort from your daily work life. Blinds for glass office dividers allow you to take back your personal space and take control of your concentration again. Plus, if you’re in charge and have many employees with offices like this, adding blinds to their offices will improve production and give them more autonomy over how much privacy they have. Any office worker would be grateful for that.

Blinds for Glass Office Dividers

What blinds are good for this kind of use? Old-fashioned, metal blinds with slats look unattractive, dated, and are prone to bending, which only makes them look worse. The solution is ordering something more up-to-date, like sheer vertical blinds. While Domir has a lot of blinds to offer, many of which would work just fine, we feel sheer vertical blinds are the best choice for glass office walls.

Sheer vertical blinds are similar in appearance to curtains – looking classy and comfortable – but have more functionality than curtains. They’re long, which means they can be used floor to ceiling. Furthermore, they come in two layers. The first layer completely blocks out the view and light, which is great for someone who wants to feel alone and avoid distraction. Pull back that layer and there’s a second one. The second layer is sheer, allowing light in while creating a one-way viewing effect. This will allow privacy and light flow while giving employees the ability to see out. This is great if you’re looking to make the office space feel a little bigger.

If you want to buy blinds for a large space, such as a commercial office, remember: order from Domir. Because we’re the manufacturer, you save money from ordering straight from us. Ordering directly cuts out middleman profits and gives you the opportunity to save up to 50% on orders over $500. Give us a call if you have questions about our products or how to order.

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