The Difference Between Room Darkening And Blackout Shades


Shades composed of light blocking fabrics are available in two distinct grades: room darkening and blackout.

Room Darkening Shades

Allow some light through the fabric.  Although most light will not be allowed into the room, some light will penetrate the fabric and illuminate the area.  Room darkening shades are perfect for people who typically sleep throughout the night and awaken early in the morning.  They also work well for people whose sleep isn’t bothered by some light in the room.  Composed of a thin fabric that typically blocks 95% of outside light, room darkening shades are usually cheaper than their blackout counterparts.

Shades Vs. Blinds: Which Is Best For Your Home?


The choice between shades and blinds depends on a variety of factors, not least the construction and mechanical differences between the two.  Shades are composed of a single piece of fabric that can only be raised or lowered.  Blinds, on the other hand, are typically made of solid, individual slats that can be opened and closed or raised and lowered.  Beyond these differences, here are some other factors to keep in mind.

Light Blocking Ability

If you need a total blackout in your room, shades made of a thick, dark fabric are your best bet.  When closed, blinds will be able to block most light from entering, but due to their construction, there will always be some spaces through which light will enter.  On the other hand, if the room calls for diffuse light, blinds will allow many different degrees of light to enter whereas shades are typically opened or closed.

7 Materials for Window Blinds


It’s easy to base the type of window blinds you choose on the functions you need. When it comes down to matching interior design styles though, it’s all about the material.

These 7 materials for window blinds will give you a whole swathe of ways to personalise your home’s look and feel:

Must-Have Window Treatments for Your Man Cave


It’s Saturday night. Instead of going out to the pub with your buddies, you decide to invite them over. You call them up and they’re all down with the idea. You grab a few bags of chips, a couple six-packs of beer, and head downstairs to stock the mini-fridge. You turn on the big-screen TV to the game and check that your favourite pizza delivery is on speed-dial. Finally, you draw down the blinds and crack open a beer with satisfaction. There’s no better place than The Man Cave. In fact, that’s the very name you gave to the room – it’s on the sign above the TV. Just then, the doorbell rings. Let the party begin.

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