Here’s Why Motorized Blinds Are Game-Changers at Home and in the Office


The option to motorize blinds has been a game-changer for both home and office interior designs. Here’s why:


Risk elimination

The safety hazard of window covering cords has been a longstanding issue. It’s what prompted Health Canada to propose changes last year to the Corded Window Covering Products Regulations. Motorized blinds eliminate that safety hazard risk altogether.

Without any dangling cords, you won’t have to worry about kids or pets accidentally strangling on them during play. Window covering cords can cause accidents at the office as well since they can get caught on staff rushing by. Motorizing window blinds is the best way to prevent that from happening.


Automated energy savings

As many personal finance experts recommend, one of the best ways to save money is to automate the process. The same principle applies to using window treatments to save energy.

Some blinds are specifically designed to either reduce heat gain, bolster insulation, or increase light control – all of which contribute to energy savings. However, you wouldn’t be able to maximize their potential if you’re relying on your own memory to open and close them at the right time.

With motorized blinds, you can set it and forget it. Whether you choose motorized systems based on programmable times, solar sensors, or temperature sensors, you can be confident that you’re getting the most energy savings at home and in the office.


Time efficiency

Besides money, time is also precious. When you’re about to start a presentation meant to convince investors to place their trust in your company, you don’t want to drain their anticipation by manually closing the blinds one by one. When you get a rare moment to relax in your personal home theatre, you don’t want to spend part of it going around the room closing blinds.

How much is your time worth to you? And what about your investors’ and clients’ time? The answers to those questions would be enough to highlight this major benefit of motorized blinds.


Operational ease

As technology advances, we strive to do bigger things with less work. Improved engineering and industrial processes allowed us to have larger windows to let in more natural light. So window coverings have to catch up.

The problem is that the larger and taller windows are, the heavier the window treatments. That means more effort required on our part to operate them. Motorized blinds, however, shoulder all that effort for us.


Convinced yet? Go ahead – motorize it!


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