Which Is Better: Blinds or Curtains?

Which Is Better: Blinds or Curtains?

When shopping for window coverings for your home, there comes an age-old question: blinds or curtains? For many of us, a preference for one or the other will make the actual benefits of each irrelevant. For others, functionality and purpose are a bit more important. So, let’s dive into what makes each of them unique.


When it comes to appearance, you might think curtains are, hands down, the most elegant. However, we can’t pit curtains against the cheap standard of aluminum-slatted blinds. When compared with something fabric, like honeycomb blinds or the Ninet, elegance becomes completely subjective.

There’s the controlled, refined elegance of fabric blinds. They’re always in the expected shape, like coloring inside the lines. Then there’s the flowing, carefree fabric of curtains. They take any form they want. You can position them in loops over a curtain rod or let them hang free. You can even layer different colors and fabric types for a unique and artistic appearance. Which type of elegance suits you depends largely on your interior design.


Insulation is a frequently ignored element of choosing window coverings. However, if you prefer to keep a tight hold on your finances, maximum window insulation is a game changer. Keep your AC or heater from running unnecessarily by insulating your windows year round.

Layered blinds, like honeycomb and the Ninet are great for insulation. They fill the entire window frame when closed, blocking incoming or outgoing heat from infiltrating or escaping through the window. Curtains, when closed can provide an equal amount of insulation. The downside to both options is that keeping the window coverings closed is required for insulation. Would you rather have blinds that are closed or curtains that are closed? This is where combinations can often be the best solution.

Light Control

When it comes to light control, blinds are typically the winner. After all, curtains typically offer very little control over sunlight. With good curtains, you can go from exposed to blackout. However, with blinds like the Ninet, you can go from complete exposure to blackout, and anything in between, with the help of the built-in slats, nestled between the layers of fabric.


So, the question is, which one is better? While style and preference play into it, we think these are the best solutions:


First, consider a combination of blinds and curtains. With blinds that offer sun screening when closed, you can leave them closed while framing the window with beautiful curtains. However, if you decide you want complete exposure, you can open both. Or, if you need total darkness, closing both will offer a complete blackout in most cases.

Sheer Vertical Blinds

On the other hand, we can’t forget sheer vertical blinds – the best of both worlds. Sheer vertical blinds look, visually, like curtains. However, the dual-layer design offers multiple levels of exposure. Completely opened means full exposure while closing the first, sheer layer means sun screening and privacy. Finally, the last layer gives you total blackout. This level of layered light control comes with the beauty and elegance most people use standard curtains for. 

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