Roller Screens for High Rise Office Buildings

Roller Screens for High Rise Office BuildingsIf you base your company out of a high rise office building, you know there’s a lot that goes into making the perfect work environment. Even if you have the whole floor to yourself, you have to outfit that space yourself. That includes window coverings. Trying to figure out what kind of blinds to buy for your office space can be tricky. Let’s check out why roller screens may be the best choice for you and your high rise office.

Light Filtering

Roller screens are a great solution for office buildings for a lot of different reasons. For one thing, they filter light. That means your office space will remain lit up throughout the day without direct sunlight causing problems. They keep your office space from overheating and help out employees by ensuring they don’t have direct sunlight in their eyes. On the other hand, they don’t block out all of the light, leaving your office space dark and depressing. Light-filtering, roller screens are the perfect office solution.

Computer Friendly

Because roller screens filter sunlight, you don’t have to worry about direct sunlight glaring on computer screens. If you work in an office, you know sunlight on your computer screen can put a wrench in your work efficiency. It’s hard to concentrate when you can’t see what you’re doing.

Improve Roller Screens

Regular blinds allow streaks of direct sunlight to enter a room, making it hard to see your computer screen. Because roller screens are one solid piece, you don’t have to worry about sunlight coming in through slats. However, there is the possibility of sunlight coming in around the sides of your roller screen. That’s why we suggest buying side channels to go with your roller screens. Side channels attach to the sides of the window frame. The sides of your roller screens are then placed into the channels, removing any gaps in window coverage. That means you’re guaranteed to have no light leakage.

Professional Appearance

Roller screens are the best in professional appearance. They’re a no-frills solution for your office window coverage. When you have roller screens installed, you get the best window coverage for the best price and without making your office look too casual.

You can get an even more professional appearance if you order print on blinds. Print on blinds will allow you to order a roller screen with your company logo on it. If your logo isn’t what you want on your print on blinds, you can even opt for designs used for company projects or sectors. Putting up company-related designs may help improve the morale of employees as it gives them something inspiring to look at. After all, plain roller screens look professional, but they don’t exactly spark creativity.

If you’re interested in buying blinds for your high rise office windows, give us a call and we’ll help you with your order. Let us know if you have any questions and our professionals at Domir Blinds will be sure to help. You can even get up to 50% off your order over $500.


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