Motorized Blinds for Offices in Toronto

Blinds are a great necessity in any office. Whether you need them to prevent glare on computer screens, to darken a room for a presentation, or to block out the setting sun that’s threatening to blind your board of directors, they’re always there. The question is, are they easy to use? Domir Blinds is here to enlighten you about motorized blinds. Here’s why these are the best choice of blinds for offices.
Control Blinds on High Windows
The first, and possibly the most exciting, use for motorized blinds is covering high windows. Have you ever entered an office space or other building, saw blinds on a window 15 feet up, and wondered how on Earth they’re even used? They might just have been motorized!
Because motorized blinds are controlled from an app on your smart device, blinds completely out of reach can be opened and closed right from your seat.
This is especially useful for high windows that shouldn’t be covered at all times. In many instances, a high window may be the primary light source for a large foyer or other entry room. Covering it permanently would deprive the room of the glory it is to behold when filled with morning sun. However, if that same window acts as a magnifying glass when the sun begins to set, blinding all of its occupants, blinds become a necessity. This is where a timer comes in handy.
Blinds on a Timer
When you install motorized blinds, you can put them on a timer. If you need your blinds to open or close at the same time every day, your motorized blinds timer will manage them for you. No more making the rounds in a huge building to open and close the blinds twice a day. It’s already done!
Easier Control of Many Blinds
In fact, controlling many blinds at once is another of the benefits of motorized blinds. While opening and closing the blinds on one window twice a day is trouble enough, a huge office with a wall of windows is another story entirely. It’s no small task managing ten different blinds for offices. This is especially true if the task is time sensitive enough that someone’s going to be unable to see their computer if you’re late to adjusting the blinds. You can leave employees to adjust the blinds themselves, but then you risk letting the poor blinds choice interrupt their workflow.
Choosing the Right Blinds
That brings us to our next point: make sure you choose the right blinds. There’s more to effective blinds than just opening and closing them at the right times; You also need a style that fits the environment. If direct sunlight is constantly causing problems for computer-users in your office, you might need to switch to something that filters light, like a window screen or honeycomb blinds. These will allow indirect sunlight in without causing glare.
Motorize Any Blinds
Not sure you can motorize the type of blinds you want? You’re probably wrong! Give us a call and ask us if you’re not sure. However, virtually any type of blind or screen can be motorized with a mechanism added behind the fascia. Contact us today if you have questions or would like to start your order.