Department Store Blinds for Shop Windows

Want to take your department store look to the next level? It’s time to look into department store blinds. Putting high quality blinds in your shop windows can really improve curb appeal, bringing in new customers very effectively. But, not all blinds are equal. Let’s break down department store blinds options and see which ones are the best choice for you and your store.
Consider Your Audience
The first step in choosing the right department store blinds is knowing your audience. What kind of consumers are you trying to attract? Do you want customers who are looking for the next great deal? Or, are you searching for shoppers with a higher budget? What kind of shoppers you’re trying to attract makes a huge difference when it comes to display styles. After all, the window of a store is the first thing people see. And what you see is what you get, right?
Let’s look at some of the ways you can outfit your shop windows and what these methods say about the contents of your store.
When your department store specializes in great deals, closeouts, and bargains, advertisement is the way to go. A shop window with merchandise displayed with no advertisements is going to look more professional, high class, and expensive. Therefore, if you want to draw in people looking for a deal, you need to put that deal front and center.
This is easy to do with print on blinds. Print on blinds are simple shades that can be pulled down over a window. They have a printed design on the outside that’s easy to see from the shop exterior when pulled down to display. Print on blinds are a great opportunity for printing your store logo, popular brands you offer, and great deals that you regularly offer.
Window Shopping
If you’re more interested in showing off products than numbers, having blinds that work to frame and draw attention to your merchandise is a necessity. Cheap, metal, slatted blinds may be affordable, but they’re overly cheap looking and promise a run-down interior. Instead, opt for something like honeycomb blinds. This blinds can be kept partially down during the day to block out unwanted sunlight while remaining raised enough to reveal displays to passers by.
Plus, if you opt for motorized blinds, you can put them down the rest of the way when the store is closed. Closed blinds and curtains during closing hours is a great way to prevent robbery. That’s because burglars are less likely to risk breaking in when they aren’t sure the shop is vacant.
Beautiful Backdrop
Last, but not least, let’s talk about our more expensive display styles. If you’re looking for high-paying customers, you need to offer high-paying appeal. This is where sheer vertical blinds come in. Mounting sheer vertical blinds a couple of feet from your window provides a gorgeous backdrop for pricey window displays.
Put out your best manikins with this summer’s hottest outfits, next spring’s bridal trends, or pedestals of name brand bags. Sheer vertical blinds will block out all of the interior shop distractions and allow your potential guests to focus on what matters: the promise of something wonderful inside.