Child Friendly Blinds for Your Home

Tired of your kids pulling on the blinds and bending them? More worried about their safety around long, reachable cords? It’s time to get your home some child friendly blinds. Domir Blinds is the best source for child friendly blinds in Toronto and the GTA. Here’s what we have to offer for families like yours.
Covered Slats
To start, let’s look at the solutions to little hands that want to grab. It’s not uncommon for people’s metal, slatted blinds to get destroyed once they have a toddler in the house. After all, blinds look like something solid to hold onto, to the undiscerning eye. Plus, how is one to see outside without yanking the poor, abused slats out of the way? Children don’t realize the amount of damage they cause as they learn to understand the world around them. That’s why we have to surround them with furnishings that can withstand their torment.
One of the best ways to solve the slat-grabbing problem is to have blinds with no exposed slats. We have a few different types like this – most prominently, The Ninet. The Ninet is made of slats but also has two layers of sheer fabric, one on either side of the slats. This fabric covering not only offers privacy, it also deters little hands from getting a grip on the slats within.
Secured Cords
Next up, we need to talk about safety. Many blinds designs are not safe for small children. With long cords that reach to the floor, they pose a hazard of children getting wrapped up in them. While you can always hang excess cord length over the fascia, it’s easier and less prone to incident to buy child friendly blinds.
Once again, The Ninet is a great choice. These blinds come with a pulley cord that remains secured to the wall. This is much less likely to pose a risk to your child’s safety. Roller shades and screens also come with pulley cords. Not only are their cords safer, the shades and screens are also easy to clean and hard to damage. Therefore, if your child tries to see outside or play with the blinds, they’re not likely to do permanent harm.
Something More Sturdy
Want something more stylish and comfortable than roller screens or shades while still remaining sturdier than slatted blinds? Sheer vertical blinds are definitely worth considering. These blinds are comparable to curtains, though they run from floor to ceiling. These long, beautiful blinds come with two layers. One is a sheer screen, made to give you privacy in your home while still letting in light. The second layer blocks out light as well as the view. Sheer vertical blinds can be washed to keep them clean from dirty hands. They are also flexible, meaning no bent slats. There are no cords as they don’t need to be pulled up. It’s an all around win.
Buy Domir
When you’re ready to buy some new blinds for your home, give us a call. We look forward to helping with your order of some new, quality, child friendly blinds.