Tips For Cleaning Roller Blinds

Roller blinds are an alternative to curtains, slatted or venetian blinds.  Roller blinds consist of a top end roller which is fitted inside the window recess or over top of it.  From the roller hangs the blind, essentially a piece of fabric, which can be rolled up or down using a chain and sidewinder mechanism.  Roller blinds are stylish and versatile, but can get dirty over time.  Fortunately they’re easy to clean.

Initially it’s important to identify the properties of the fabric that your roller blinds are made of.  Making sure the fabric can handle sustained washing without creasing or running colors will dictate the cleaning method used.  Similarly, knowing the type of cleaning solutions the fabric can withstand is important.

Check any labels or instructions that came with the roller blinds or ask the retailer or manufacturer for cleaning solution advice.  By all means, test the cleaning solution on a small, hidden part of the fabric and check for any discoloration, wrinkling, shrinking or general wear.  If the fabric stands up to the test, carry on with the steps below for cleaning.

  • Remove the roller from the bracket, unfurl the fabric from the top roller and bottom bar and lay the fabric flat on a clean floor.
  • Run over both sides with a vacuum cleaner to remove loose dust and other particles.  
  • Place the vacuumed fabric flat in a bathtub filled with lukewarm water and your cleaning solution of choice.  
  • Let the fabric sit for an hour or more to allow embedded dirt to loosen.  
  • Wipe any noticeably dirty spots gently with sponge or soft cloth.  Refrain from vigorous scrubbing that can cause discoloration and fading.
  • Rinse the fabric with running water to remove excess cleaning solution and dirt.
  • Dry the fabric by hanging it on a washing line or draping it over a drying rack.
  • Once dry, re-attach to the top roller and bottom bar and rehang.

If your roller blind fabric appears sensitive to cleaning solutions, spot cleaning might be your best option.  As in the above instructions, remove the fabric and give it a light vacuum.  Rather than completely submersing the fabric, use small amounts of cleaning solution on a soft sponge or cloth and lightly rub the obvious dirty spots.  Allow to dry before rehanging.   


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